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Most atheists never believed in God, because that’s the proper noun used as a Djeetyet Native American Ladies Shirt for the specific deity that only Christians and Mormons believe in. Jews do not use the full name God, but leave out a letter, even if they aren’t avoiding using another name instead, they write G-d. Muslims usually use the name Allah. But most people aren’t even “people of the book” at all, and instead believe in different deities, Vishnu, Coyote, Thor, etc etc etc. Since people fall away from all forms of belief to become atheist, it follows that most atheists never did believe in “God”, the deity who is named like you might name your pet dog “Dog.” “Simply because their prayers weren’t answered” doesn’t cut it, either, although I suppose it is true for some. Atheists differ wildly from each other, not just in what, if anything, they used to believe in, and perforce how they once thought prayer was supposed to work and thus whether or not it was ever answered, but also in the route they took to get here. But taking the thin pie wedge of atheists who were Christian, we still have the apologists who say “sometimes the answer is no” or “God works in mysterious ways” and so forth. Unanswered prayers is a gap that Christians have worked hard to plug, they, on their own, are unlikely to be the single cause of losing faith…although I’ll grant that the shoddy nature of the plugs is likely a contributing factor.

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The frantic confusion of the Halloween/Xmas decoration overlap period. Someone should really sort that shit out. The bombardment of advertising that encourages and approves overindulgence from all sides. I don’t need any encouragement along these lines. I already have self-control issues. The economic stimulus of the Djeetyet Native American Ladies Shirt spending spree is no doubt welcome to all businesses but I look at the CRAP we buy and only see landfill life-spans drop. Other people’s conversations invade my ears while loitering in the toy aisles as people snatch cheap junk from shelves to tick boxes on their lists; Mum, Dad, Katie-Sue, Katie-Sue’s newborn, the dog etc. “Ohhh I can’t think of anything for Steve’s family” – “I’m just getting everyone chocolates” – “I already did that for Kindy group!”. Being forced to participate in Secret Santa activities that aren’t secret and are usually covered off by 2 people in the group as no one else can be bothered.

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In all these years, I found what I suspected to be true. There was never again a lover in my life who made me feel what he made me feel. When I think back on it, now, despite the worries and frustrations and embarrassment of being with someone who understood things in such a retarded fashion… those years were the happiest of my life. I mean a pure, simple happiness. The kind of happiness you might have if you lived your life in a Djeetyet Native American Ladies Shirt, in the middle of the jungle, where there were no such things as books or tape measurers or calendars or IQ tests. I’m talking about a primal happiness – without logic or reason. Pure sensation. And so, to answer the question… it’s both a yes and a no. Yes, I couldn’t help myself but to fall in love with a man of limited intelligence – and I was able to find happiness with him. But no, I could not accept it as something permanent in my life. It doomed us from the start, and there was no getting around it.

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My father said something unpleasant to me and the dog made a low growl.We were all outdoors. My father went in the Djeetyet Native American Ladies Shirt and got his gun and told my mother to hold me. She did as he said.I know he is going to kill my friend…my only friend….but my mother does nothing even though I am fighting her to be let go and save my friend. I was not strong enough and she did not care enough. The dog was killed. My life continued on this trajectory until I was 25 and a college instructor. My fiancé was a PHD and had driven from NY to KS to meet my parents and to celebrate Xmas (ha) with us. My mother called me at K-State and told me not to come home…..that we were not welcome….compared to his family we were nothing but white trash.However,in our smallcommunity, my family thought they were “special.

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